Stories, Adaptation and Film Script: The Case of Komola Rocket
Writer of the film Dr. Sahaduz Zaman and Director Noor Imran Mithu took part in dialogue moderated by Prof. Sumon Rahman
The Department of Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ) of the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) organized an event titled ‘Stories, Adaptation and Film Script: The Case of Komola Rocket’ on July 18, 2019 at the permanent campus auditorium. Writer Dr. Sahaduz Zaman and Director Noor Imran Mithu of the film Komola Rocket were the guest speakers at the event. ULAB’s public relations-based apprenticeship program PR4U organized this event. The event began with the screening of the film. Later, the guest speakers discussed various aspects of the film. Professor Sumon Rahman moderated the session. Both the writer and the director shared their experience of making the film. Noor Imran Mithu talked about the hurdles of he faced as a new director while making this film. Dr.Sahaduz Zaman praised the director for his hard work and dedication. Both of them encouraged the students to work on this field. The dialogue session was followed by an interactive question-answer session, where the students asked various questions related to the film and film making. Professor Sumon Rahman concluded the discussion by thanking both the guests for their time.
Participants in the program