DW representative visits ULAB
Dr Esther in a meeting with MSJ faculty members.
Dr Esther Dorn-Fellermann of Deutsche Welle (DW) has recently visited University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh to find ways to conduct a workshop on data journalism. She is the Conference Program Manager at Deutsche Welle Media Services GmbH and lecturer in the International Media Studies Master Program of the Deutsche Welle Akademie. She earlier came to Dhaka on November 23 to accompany a data journalism training at Channel i. During the visit to ULAB on November 26, she agreed to help Fact Watch, a fact-checking initiative of Media Studies and Journalism department at ULAB, conduct the workshop. At first, she met ULAB VC at Campus A at 10:00am. Then, she attended meetings with MSJ faculty members led by head of the department Professor Dr Jude William Genelio, regarding the workshop outline. Dr. Esther also visited Fact watch center and MSJ facilities on Campus B, led by Dr. Jude and Dr. Barbaq.
Dr Jude showing MSJ facilities to Dr Esther.