New Curriculum: From Summer 2020
The course requirements for a BSS in Media Studies and Journalism with majors in Digital Journalism, Digital Film and Television Production, Public Relations, and Communication for Development are as follows:
Course Type
General Education Foundation (GEF) Courses ULAB Core Courses (UCC) General Education (GED) Elective Tier 1 Courses General Education (GED) Elective Tier 2 Courses General Education (GED) Elective Tier 3 Courses Communication Foundation Courses Major Study Concentration Minor Study Concentration Internship and Portfolio Total |
Number 5 3 4 4 4 7 9 5 2 43 |
Credits 15 9 12 12 12 21 27 15 6 129 |
Old Curriculum:
The course requirements for a BSS in Media Studies and Journalism with majors in Business Journalism, Digital Film and Television Production and Public Relations are as follows:
Course Type
GED Courses Communication Studies Core Courses Media Studies Core Courses Major Study Concentration Minor Study Concentration Elective/Optional MSJ Courses Internship or Project Total |
Number 10 9 6 9 5 2 2 43 |
By the end of the programme, the graduates would have:
PLO 1: Acquired a broad knowledge base essential for navigating in today’s society
PLO 2: Developed respect for nature and for the diversity of people
PLO 3: Understood the various concepts, models and theories of media, culture and communication
PLO 4: Internalized the ethics and codes of conduct required by the profession
PLO 5: Possessed creative, analytical and critical thinking abilities
PLO 6: Shown adequate communication skills in both English and Bengali languages
PLO 7: Demonstrated the ability to manipulate technologies of print, broadcast and new media
PLO 8: Produced an acceptable body of work (portfolio) to join the media and communication industry
The 3H Professionals
Cognitive Abilities
* Bengali and English Language Skills
* Analytical and Critical Skills
* Convergence Communication
* Mathematical Ability
* Liberal Arts Knowledge
Attitudinal Capacities
* Sustainable Development
* Professional Conduct
* Love for Learning
* Ethics and Moral Values
* Respect for Diversity
Behavioral Attributes
* Technologically Updated
* Multimedia Orientation
* Industry Focus
* Communication Excellence
* Problem Solving Focus