Satellite Cable Television Business and its Operation in Dhaka City

by Md. Mahmudul Hasan


The study was aimed at exploring the nature of cable industry operations in Dhaka City, identifying the inner competition laced with crime and politics and how cable operators are dealing with those obstacles. The research will use a qualitative data gathering method, therefore, a triangulation strategy was obtained to gather the data, analyzing and explaining the facts found from data. The location was bound to Dhaka since the most competition between cable operating modules are seen in Dhaka’s local area and three stages of operators were chosen to have a clear picture, top level operators, mid level operators and being a shadow operator, the local goons backed up by powerful politicians. The research clearly shows a web of manipulation and extortion throughout the whole business where top level operators are extorted by local goons, and mid level operators suffers the consequences. Power is the main controller of this industry where personal favoritism, clash between local goon groups and even between powerful political authorities are pretty normal in this shady area of industry leaving no place for a healthy competition whatsoever. The word ‘Competition’ does not exist in this business literally. Consumers and subscribers are forced to seen a smoke screen where they are completely unaware of rights, leaving no chance or authority to charge against any mischief’s. Monopoly is the root game for every small industry in every local area. A recent innovation DTH (Direct to Home) service is slowly injecting into the society to overpower the monopoly system of this industry which is not approved by the cable operators or the authoritative owner of the industry, they think and accept that DTH inclusion in this industry will be a disastrous for the whole business.

Keywords: Bangladesh, cable TV business, Dhaka City

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